Daily Prompt: No, Thank You

Daily Prompt: No, Thank You
by michelle w. on June 22, 2013

If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why?

I would like to permanently ban the ‘F’ word. It just sounds so ugly and disrespectful to me. Granted there are several words I would like to obliterate: hate, homeless, hungry, starvation, war, and many others, but in obliterating these words, would the things the words represent disappear also?

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19 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: No, Thank You

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  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I like the prompt idea you have here. I would like to ban the word abuse. I am not sure if the act would disappear but we would have to find other words that are perhaps more graphic than the generic term. Child abuse, animal abuse, spouse abuse and substance abuse all have no meaning to the suffering inflicted and tend to cover up the reality.


      1. Thanks and if I don’t rant I feel as though I may leave something out, but more often than not put too much in.


  2. I have often told my adult children that for some reason, in my mind, I have labeled that word, “low class.” I guess all swear words are but for some reason when I hear this word, especially while out and about, I feel it is just not nice!


    1. Vulgar. That was the word I was searching my mind for while writing my post. It just now came to me, rather late than never. You are right it is low class, shows low self-esteem, and is just plain ugly.


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