In the Event of a Haze, Singapore.

Singapore Haze


I understand that Singapore and Malaysia has been affected by Indonesia’s Haze, and everyone is going on and over it.

In fact, i just found out that the recent haze was made so known so much through social media, that people around the world are starting to find out what is this ‘Singapore’ or even trying to understand where Singapore is in the world map, and no, Singapore isn’t in China, nor is it Korean.

Not sure if true (found it here), but from what I’ve also heard respiratory masks are crashing  Amazon Market servers due to  buyers eager to find other alternatives after local markets of the masks are sold out, can i just say i hope you understand, Singapore and its ‘kiasuness‘.

Singapore News About Haze

The way I see it,  it feels like when I do search and crawl about Singapore news, the main highlight is the haze. Haze…

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