Healing, Magical, and Spiritual Properties of Essential Oils, Fragrance Oils, and Herbs II

1 Logo by Hemant
Logo by Hemant

Magical Oils and Colors

Sunday Personal Power Boosting Colors: White, Yellow, Gold, Orange

Sunday – Sun, Ruled by Apollo; Ruler of Leo
1 Apollo www.oceansbridge.com 2
Courtesy of Yahoo Images via http://www.oceansbridge.com

Apollo was the god of music (principally the lyre, and he directed the choir of the Muses) and also of prophecy, colonization, medicine, archery (but not for war or hunting), poetry, dance, intellectual inquiry and the carer of herds and flocks. He was also a god of light, (radiant or beaming, and he was sometimes identified as the sun god).


Sun Oil I
Blend Together
1/8 Cup of Carrier Oil
7 drops of Frankincense Essential or Fragrance Oil
4 drops Cinnamon Essential or Fragrance Oil
2 drops Petitgrain Essential or Fragrance Oil
2 drops Rosemary Essential or Fragrance Oil

A wonderful oil to assist Healing, Finances, Honors, New Ventures, Notoriety, Publicity, and Self-Esteem. This oil brings general Prosperity and Well-Being.

Sun Oil II
Blend Together
1/8 Cup of Carrier Oil
7 drops Cinnamon Essential or Fragrance Oil
7 drops Juniper Essential or Fragrance Oil
1 drop Bay Essential or Fragrance Oil
1 drops Saffron Essential Oil

Use for Healing, Promotions, Solar Influences, Strength, and Vitality

This Recipe (Sun Oil II) can also be made with Herbs:
1/4 Cup of Carrier Oil
1 teaspoon Cinnamon (ground)
1 teaspoon Juniper Berries (mashed)
1 Bay Leaf (crumpled)
A pinch of Genuine Saffron
Place ingredients in a double boiler and gently heat over low flame. Strain and use as above.

Sun Oil (Planetary
1/8 Cup of Carrier Oil
9 drops Frankincense Essential or Fragrance Oil
3 drops Myrrh Essential or Fragrance Oil
3 drops Amber Essential or Fragrance Oil

Brings solutions to problems; Escape from bad situations; Enhances enjoyment; Increases understanding of art and music.

Sun Self Oil
1/8 Cup of Carrier Oil
7 drops of Orange Essential or Fragrance Oil
4 drops Frankincense Essential or Fragrance Oil
4 drops Sandalwood Essential or Fragrance Oil

Use when you want to find the Confidence to Know and Follow your own Path; Drawing Strength from within; Drawing Power from the Universe.

Leo Oil (Planetary)
1/8 Cup of Carrier Oil
7 drops Petitgrain Essential or Fragrance Oil
4 drops Orange Essential or Fragrance Oil
4 drops Lime Essential or Fragrance Oil

This blend will help you keep Active and Clear Thinking; Enthusiasm working in your behalf.

Leo Oil
1/8 Cup of Carrier Oil
7 drops Frankincense Essential or Fragrance Oil
3 drops Musk Fragrance Oil (Musk is not made in an Essential Oil. It is not plant based.)
3 drops Rose Essential or Fragrance Oil
3 drops Lemon Essential or Fragrance Oil
3 drops Patchouli Essential or Fragrance Oil
2 drops Balm of Gilead/Balsam Poplar Essential Oil or Fragrance Oil

Enhances Individuality.


Monday Personal Power Boosting Colors: Lavender, White, Silver, Cream

Monday – Moon, Ruled by Artemis; Ruler of Cancer
1 Artemis
Courtesy of Yahoo Images

Artemis was one of the Ancient Greek deities. In the classical period of Greek mythology, Artemis was often described as the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. She was the Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls, bringing and relieving disease in women; she often was depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows. The deer and the cypress were sacred to her.



Cancer Oil (Moonchildren)
Blend Together
1/8 Cup of Carrier Oil
11 drops Palmarosa Essential or Fragrance Oil
2 drops Chamomile Essential or Fragrance Oil
2 drops Yarrow Essential or Fragrance Oil

Aids in domestic arts, humor, entrepreneurial skills, success in business, and more.


Tuesday Personal Power Boosting Colors: Silver, Black, Red, White

Tuesday – Mars, Ruled by the War God, Mars; Ruler of Aries
1 God of Tuesday Mars www.erickodyssey.com 2
Courtesy of Yahoo Images via http://www.erickodyssey.com

In ancient Roman religion and myth, Mars was the god of war and also an agricultural guardian, a combination characteristic of early Rome. He was the most prominent of the military gods in the religion of the Roman army. Most of his festivals were held in March, the month named for him, and in October, which began and ended the season for military campaigning and farming.



Mars Oil (Planetary)
Blend together
1/8 ounce of Carrier Oil
7 drops Basil Essential or Fragrance Oil
1 drop Black Pepper Essential or Fragrance Oil
7 drops Ginger Essential or Fragrance Oil
Swirl the blend before each use.

Wear, as a Body Perfume, for physical power and magical energy.

Mars Oil Recipe
Blend together
1/8 ounce of Carrier Oil
5 drops Cinnamon Essential or Fragrance Oil
5 drops Civet Fragrance Oil (There is no essential oil, as Civet comes from an animal, not a plant.)
5 drops Ginger Essential or Fragrance Oil
2 drops Dragon’s Blood Fragrance Oil (This is a synthetic blend of fragrance oils mixed together to form a distinct scent.)
Swirl the blend before each use.

Adds energy, passion, and virility. Apply it liberally on the wrists and hands when facing any foe.

Aries Oil Recipe
Blend together
1/8 ounce of Carrier Oil
10 drops of Frankincense Essential or Fragrance Oil
3 drops Black Pepper Essential or Fragrance Oil
3 drops Ginger Essential or Fragrance Oil
2 drops Petitgrain Essential or Fragrance Oil
Swirl the blend before each us.

Aids in New Beginnings, Athletics, and Contests of skill and luck.


Wednesday Personal Power Boosting Colors: Gold, Yellow, Brown, Orange

Wednesday – Mercury, Ruled by Hermes; Ruler of Gemini and Virgo
1 God Hermes www.mythologyunit.wikispaces.com 2
Courtesy of Yahoo Images via http://www.mythologyunit.wikispaces.com

Hermes is an Olympian god in Greek religion and mythology, son of Zeus and the Pleiad Maia. He is second youngest of the Olympian gods.
Hermes is a god of transitions and boundaries. He is quick and cunning, and moved freely between the worlds of the mortal and divine, as emissary and messenger of the gods, intercessor between mortals and the divine, and conductor of souls into the afterlife. He is protector and patron of travelers, herdsmen, thieves, orators and wit, literature and poets, athletics and sports, invention and trade. In some myths he is a trickster, and outwits other gods for his own satisfaction or the sake of humankind. His attributes and symbols include the herma, the rooster and the tortoise, purse or pouch, winged sandals, winged cap, and his main symbol is the herald’s staff, the Greek kerykeion or Latin caduceus which consisted of two snakes wrapped around a winged staff.



Mercury Oil (Planetary)
Blend together
1/8 ounce Carrier Oil
7 drops Eucalyptus Essential or Fragrance Oil
7 drops Lavender Essential or Fragrance Oil
2 drops Peppermint Essential or Fragrance Oil
Shake well before each use.

Wear as a Body Perfume to draw Mercurial influences, such as Communication, Intelligence, and Travel.

Gemini Oil Recipe
Blend together
1/8 ounce Carrier Oil
7 drops Lavender Essential or Fragrance Oil
3 drops Lemongrass Essential or Fragrance Oil
3 drops Peppermint Essential or Fragrance Oil
2 drops Sweet Pea Bouquet Fragrance Oil (There is no essential oil, as this is made from a mixture of Synthetic Oils)
Shake well before each use.

Aids in quickness of thought, wit, energy; Improves facility with ideas and learning; Aids in dealings with family members.

Virgo Oil Recipe
Blend together
1/8 ounce Carrier Oil
7 drops Oak Moss Bouquet Fragrance Oil (See, Sweet Pea Bouquet, above)
4 drops Cypress Essential or Fragrance Oil
4 drops Patchouli Essential or Fragrance Oil
Shake well before each use.

Use Virgo Oil for pursuits involving work or food; Powers of Analyzing.


Thursday Personal Power Boosting Colors: Turquoise, Burgundy, Green, Purple

Thursday – Jupiter, Ruled by Zeus, Thor; Ruler of Capricorn
1 God Zeus via photobucket.com 2
Courtesy of Yahoo Images via Photobucket.com
Zeus is the “Father of Gods and men” who rules the Olympians of Mount Olympus as a father rules the family according to the ancient Greek religion. He is the god of sky and thunder in Greek mythology. Zeus is closely identified with Roman Jupiter.
His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak. In addition to his Indo-European inheritance, the classical “cloud-gatherer” also derives certain iconographic traits from the cultures of the Ancient Near East, such as the scepter. Zeus is frequently depicted by Greek artists in one of two poses: standing, striding forward, with a thunderbolt leveled in his raised right hand, or seated in majesty.


Lots of information on Zeus at: http://www.ancientgreece.com/s/GreekGods/Zeus/

1 God Thor
Courtesy of Yahoo Images

In Norse mythology, Thor is a hammer-wielding god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, and also hallowing, healing and fertility. The cognate deity in wider Germanic mythology and paganism was known in Old English as Þunor and in Old High German as Donar, stemming from a Common Germanic Þunraz (meaning “thunder”).
Thor continued to be acknowledged in rural folklore throughout Germanic regions. Thor is frequently referred to in place names, the day of the week Thursday (“Thor’s day”) bears his name, and names stemming from the pagan period containing his own continue to be used today.


Jupiter Oil (Planetary)
Blend together
1/8 ounce Carrier Oil
10 drops Oak Moss Bouquet Fragrance Oil (See yesterday’s post about Fragrance Oil)
3 drops Clove Essential or Fragrance Oil
2 drops Tonka Bouquet Fragrance Oil
Shake well before each use.

Wear for wealth, prosperity, help in legal matters, and other Jupiterian influences.

Jupiter Oil II
Blend together
1/8 ounce Carrier Oil
7 drops Hyssop Essential Oil
2 drops Clove Essential Oil
2 drops Nutmeg Essential Oil
2 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil
2 drops Rosewood Essential Oil
2 drops Bitter Almond Essential Oil
Shake well before each use.

Wear as a Body Perfume to bring good fortune and increase joviality.

Jupiter Oil III
Blend together
1/8 ounce Almond Carrier Oil
5 drops Anise Essential Oil
10 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil
Shake well before each use.

This blend is for protection, honor, and tranquility.

Sagittarius Oil
Blend together
1/8 ounces Carrier Oil
10 drops Rosemary Essential or Fragrance Oil
3 drops Clove Essential or Fragrance Oil
2 drops Oak Moss Bouquet Fragrance Oil
Shake well before each use.

Wear, as a Body Perfume, to bring generosity, understanding of broad concepts, and protection during travel.

This is a Work of Continuation from: https://mauldinfamily1.wordpress.com/aromatherapy-information-about/spiritual-and-magical-properties-of-essential-oils/magical-uses-of-essential-oils-fragrance-oils-andor-herbs/

This is a Work In Progress so, check back often for updates.

Debra Mauldin, Certified Aromatherapist
Feel free to contact me about any questions you may have pertaining to using carrier oils, essential oils, fragrance oils, and/or herbs in healing work. Please put ‘Aromatherapy – Healing Work’ in the subject line.
Feel free to contact me about any questions you may have pertaining to using carrier oils, essential oils, fragrance oils, and/or herbs in magickal work. Please put ‘Aromatherapy – Magical Work’ in the subject line.
Feel free to contact me about any questions you may have pertaining to using carrier oils, essential oils, fragrance oils, and/or herbs in spiritual work. Please put ‘Aromatherapy – Spiritual Work’ in the subject line.


Join me at: https://www.facebook.com/AromatherapyInformation




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