Today Was A Good Day!

Today was a very good day for me. My mom and my youngest daughter's step-mom, went to Rome to babysit this morning. That freed me and hubby to go watch our middle granddaughter play some 3rd grade Basketball. Her game started at 8:00 a.m. and they were playing at a school about a 30 minute... Continue Reading →

Aromatherapy Tip of the Day – December 14, 2013

Logo by Hemant Today’s Aromatherapy Tip of the Day: December 14, 2013 is a continuation of Using Essential Oils in Meditation Practice. USING ESSENTIAL OILS IN MEDITATION PRACTICE Resin Essential Oils for Meditation Which essential oils are chosen for Meditation Practice, is entirely a matter of personal preference. Some people are drawn to the Resin... Continue Reading →

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