Booking through Thursday – Returns

What book(s) do you find yourself going back to? Beloved children’s classics? Favorites from college? Something that touched you and just makes you long to visit?
(Because, doesn’t everybody have at least one book they would like to curl up with, even if they don’t make a habit of rereading books? Even if they maybe don’t even have the time to visit and just think back longingly?)

Booking Through Thursday

I read a lot when I was young, but don’t remember a favorite children’s classic. The first book that had a profound effect on me was ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’ by Richard Bach. I first read this book when I was around eleven or twelve, and have read it many times since. I always find a new lesson in the book that I hadn’t noticed before.
I read ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, in college. Although it is only a short story, it effected me. I have read it several times since.

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16 thoughts on “Booking through Thursday – Returns

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  1. I remember studying the Yellow Wallpaper and enjoying it (if it’s possible to enjoy the Yellow Wallpaper, that is) My big formative three were Lolita, Catcher in the Rye and The Bell Jar. But the books I re-read most often are Harry Potter 😉


    1. I guess you have to be mental to enjoy The Yellow Wallpaper! 🙂 Out of your three, I’ve only read Catcher in the Rye and loved it. I have read it several times. I was a grandma when Harry Potter came out, but I loved the series and have read it several times.


      1. Definitely mental. You’ve read Yellow Wallpaper but not Bell Jar? Ooh, give it a try sometime. It’s the ultimate in crazy woman fiction 😉


  2. Anything Robin Cook, Mary Higgins Clark or Danielle Steel. While I haven’t read one of these in years I used to love them growing up. Return to now Beyong Good and Evil by Frederich Nietzsche, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (charges me back up) The Symposium by Plato


    1. Robin Cook and Mary Higgins Clark I can still read and enjoy. I got a belly full of Danielle Steel in my 20’s and no longer enjoy reading her books. I’m blah-humbug on romance now. 🙂


  3. Wow that’s a tough question. I have my favorite authors that I will occasionally pull off the shelf for a re-read. Richard Brautigan, Leonard Cohen, Joan Didion, and Edna St. Vincent Millay tend to be the “go-to’s”. In Particular with Brautigan I have read a few of his books four or five times.


      1. Wow I have trouble recommending books. Brautigan & Cohen are kind of acquired tastes but the classic Trout Fishing In America by Brautigan is a good introduction as is Beautiful Losers by Cohen. Edna St. Vincent is classic and sometimes dismal poetry but, for me at least, captivating. I’d suggest Joan Didion I think. She’s a journalist/novelist and a lot of her books deal with family matters (sometimes tragic). Slouching Toward Bethlehem was the first one I read and it got me hooked. It’s a view of the Sixties culture through interviews with a lot of the famous people back then. The White Album is much the same except it’s the Seventies.The Year of Magical Thinking is memoir, mostly how she deals with the death of her husband and the serious illness of her daughter. As a point of interest a lot of grief councilors suggest this title. Blue Nights deals with raising children/aging and coping with the death of a child. Yes, serious stuff but she is a helluva writer. Actually I just thought of Pilgrim at Tinker’s Creek by Annie Dillard…another really good read (from my standpoint).


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